Advocacy Campaigns to Support Our Local Businesses
**listed in alphabetical order**

#OneTable is an advocacy campaign for the Canadian Restaurant industry. Restaurants play a vital role in our communities. They are where we create memories with families and friends. They are asking the Government for immediate relief, immediate protection and help to reopen and rehire.

The Health and Wellness industry professionals and businesses have created a coalition to create a stronger voice for everyone. They have drafted a letter to various levels of government outlining their demands and needs of the industry in this crisis.

Save Hospitality is a coalition of independent Canadian restauranteurs and suppliers that came together to create a unified voice. If you are an employee impacted by layoffs or someone who values local restaurants and bars, please visit and sign the petition to show your support.

Save Small Business is a grassroots coalition of small businesses across Canada united in opposition to a debt-forward solution to the Covid-19 economic crisis. "Debt won't save our small businesses". A petition and survey have been launched. Subscribe to their newsletter here.